Sunday, 27 May 2012

A New Recruit

Hello there.  Simon Turner here, one half of the dynamic duo at Gists and Piths.  Welcome to my new blog, which I started out of consternation that my research interests in war literature were rather taking over G&P, and making something of a mockery of that blog's commitment to 'contemporary poetry', whatever that means.  As yet, I'm not sure what shape this blog will take (much as George and I didn't know what shape G&P would take until a few months in).  Mainly, I conceive of this blog as a sort of public archive of my reading and critical response to the literature (mostly poetry, but fiction, memoir, and literary criticsm will get a mention) of conflict, and, more importantly, it's a means of forcing myself to write - I've a terrible habit of reading and reading around a subject without making any substantial notes along the way, which makes writing up my ideas at a later date something of a hell on earth.  To loyal readers of G&P, don't worry: it's still a going concern; I just felt a committed war literature blog would be both of benefit to myself as a critic, and to Gists and Piths, too.  Watch this space.      

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